Nidvember – Return of the Hydra!

It has been over 20 years since I started my first tyranid army. The newly released War Zone Octarius – Rising Tide Book from Games Workshop stirred the spawning vats and spiked my love for gribbly space bugs again! While going through my old miniatures I thought about my roots within the tyranid faction and what inspired me to get started so many years ago. 

Amongst many outstanding artists, two in particular inspired me with their ingenious conversions. My first contact with the tyranids was White Darf Issue #83 March 2003 (German Version) where tyranid veteran „Moloch“* showcased his amazing Hive Fleet Moloch. 

Soon after that I discovered another amazing artist going under the name „Hydra“*, which produced highly converted tyranids in great numbers. So when I was going through my own Tyranids, I decided to contact Hydra and ask him if he would be interested in a little art switch! We agreed that we would both convert and paint a tyranid miniature, painting it in the Hive Fleet Hydra colors. Here you can see the result:

*both real names not in this article due to privacy

This was a really fun project which fittingly went along the #nidvember this year. If you want to check out Hydras work, go check out his Instagram page under the name 4ydra! You will not regret it!

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