First Blog Post!

After a few weeks or hard work, taking new photos and getting all the little bugs fixed, the website is finally up and running. This is something I wanted to do for a long time as my cabinets are filled with stuff to show and Instagram and Twitter are limited in their use. I will semi-regularly post insights and work-in-progress on my hobby as well as the occasional Tutorial and How-Tos. 

As a quick introduction, my Name is Simon and I am in this wonderful hobby since over 20 years now. Ever since a good friend showed me his skeleton warriors and a couple of old metal dwarfs I was totally hooked. I heavily focused on painting in the first years, attending a lot of workshops and painting classes which not only resulted in winning my first Golden Deamon in 2011 but most importantly formed a lot of national and international friendships over the years. I also attended several Armies on Parade Events, with the biggest project to date being the „Return of old Gods“ Necron Board.

This project was my entry for the 2013 edition of Armies on Parade. It was largely inspired by ancient aztec ruins. The Necron race dominated the entire galaxy millions of years ago. Their empire stretched through multiple galaxies and they were feared and worshipped by a vast majority of lesser races. After their decline they sealed most of their populace in so called Tomb Worlds waiting for the right moment to reclaim their lost empire. This project shows the return of the Necron race to a primitive world. The indigenous people lived in their forgotten temple, worshipping the last remaining artifacts and shrines. The board took around 8 months to build and paint. Lastly I wanted to have a big eye-catcher in form of the Necron Harvester in the Background. The project won the local competition and went on to win gold overall in the german finals. This is what Games Workshop said about the entry on their Armies on Parade Website:


„This fantastic entry by Simon Elsen was presented initially at Games Workshop – Trier and then went on to to be voted overall winner at Games Day Cologne and was featured in the April White Dwarf issue back in 2014.“


Since a couple of years I am more focussed on gaming pieces and getting armies done in a quick and solid way. This does not mean my showcase painting days are over but I am enjoying quick results a lot more at the moment. With Covid still going strong gaming opportunities are few and far in between but I am sure our monthly gaming sessions will return and give some cool content to show you guys. 

As of gaming systems I am heavily invested with the Games Workshop range. As of today I am having (sometimes multiple) forces for Warhammer 40.000, Warhammer Age of Sigmar, Warcry, Kill Team, Necromunda and Adeptus Titanicus. I am also enjoying good Games of Warhammer Quest: Blackstone Fortress and Cursed City and I am currently working on a own gaming system that combines multiple Games Workshop systems into a semi-roleplaying experience. More of that in the future. So I am happy to interact with you guys and I am eager to read what you think about my work. Nothing left to say other than be kind, stay healthy and have fun in this amazing hobby! 

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